New Years Resolutions.....

Yerrpp I said it new years resolutions, and it's one of those things everyone says their gonna do but don't follow through... which one of the reasons I have never done them before! But there a few realistic goals I want to do, achieve and constantly do. So I'm gonna do this post for my self so I have it written down somewhere and proof that I said I would do it and can't go back on my word ;)
First of all is my blog, now I've never actually set myself a schedule on when I'm going to post. My motto was ill post when I wanna! And this wasn't the most practical so I'm gonna make a schedule!  What this is gonna be is 3 posts a week, Makeup Monday which is makeup post obviously! Whatever Wednesdays which is a post on whatever I want could be a DIY, skin care, routines, home stuff or could be an extra fashion or makeup post! Then Fashion Friday which is posts on oodts, fashion forecasts, how to styles and wishlists! So this is what I have wanted to do for a long time and I'm finally doing it and I think it would make me feel a lot better about my posts and blog in total!
Next I want to do well in all my uni interviews and get excepted then in September actually go to uni! Pretty simple but hard to do! And so exciting too!
Now this one is like a cliché new years resolution but it's to get fit and healthy but I can't even walk up the stairs without getting out of breathe! So I'm going to the gym, start running (again) and gonna stop eating... dare I say it... but stop eating shitty food! Trust me guys I will do it ;)
This one if my mum reads it will be shocked about but I want to try and keep my room as tidy as possible and not let it look like a wreck, and I really like my room tidy but sometimes I just get too lazy which needs to stop! Even tho..... It most probably.... won't!
I not a person who only focus' on how many followers I have and only strive to get the max amount, I'm not! But I do like to set my self milestones as it gives me somthing to post for and It also tells me people like my posts and my blog and they want to see more! So this goal of 300 is only for GFC which is on the right side bar if you want to go follow me know if you haven't already! ^_^

So I didn't pick too many as I most probably wont do them I will forget, but there is gonna end up being one really big main goal that I've forgotten but I really can't remember right now! But let me know what your resolutions are this year, and if any of them are the same as mine! 


1 comment

  1. some great resolutions and I hope you stick to them :) Definatly agree with you on the keeping your room tidy...especially my uni one as it's so small! and good luck with your uni interviews and exams - it really pays off when you get there
    Katie xo
